Hear me out

A photography session is more than just a session - it's an investment in preserving your most treasured memories. With the expertise and artistry of a professional photographer (me 😉), you can capture the significance of special occasions, family milestones, and personal achievements.

Investing in a photography session is not just about getting pictures; it's about creating a time capsule for these special moments you can relive for years to come!

Now, I think it’s time you FINALLY do something for yourself ;)

Prices Starting At:


$95 + tax

Anything from senior photos, creative portraits to photos for your brand, I’m here!


$105 + tax

Love is something to celebrate and what better way to enjoy it than saving the present and where you are now together ❤️


$190 + tax

Whether its for your family or with your friends, I’ll make sure everyone feels included!


$1,135 + tax

I love the thought of a small intimate wedding, it is so special to be just with the person you love. I would consider any wedding with 50 people or less an elopement!


what i can do for you

Bring your ideas to life

You can come to me with a crazy idea and I will be there to help you bring it to life. We will figure out all the small details and how it will all work out.

Build your confidence

I will make sure you feel good and help build your confidence! I will make sure you look awesome, so you don’t have to. Bring your personality and you’re all set!

Be there to guide you

Being in front of a camera is scary, BUT I will be there to help guide you. I will give you some posing ideas so you don’t have to come with a list of poses memorized! Although if you want to, I am 100% okay with that, I am always open to more ideas!

I can’t wait to hear from you!